Dual Enrollment
Attention First-Time Dual Enrollment Students:
If you were not able to attend the Dual Enrollment Information Meeting on October 4th for students who are interested and wanting to participate in dual enrollment for the very first time during the spring 2024 semester, please review the attached information with a parent/guardian. After you have reviewed the PowerPoint presentations and dual enrollment handbook, please complete the Dual Enrollment Meeting Verification form. Both student and parent will need to complete the form together. School Counselors will not accept your dual enrollment paperwork until the google form is completed. Students who attended the meeting in-person do not need to complete the google form; your attendance was recorded the night of the meeting.
Students will need to complete an online application with either TCL or USCB. Those links can be found in each school's presentation; they will also be included in First Time packets. The First Time packets will be available in Student Services starting Monday, October 9th for students to pick up.
Please be aware of dual enrollment deadlines, which are included in the presentations, as well as the packets.
Beaufort County School District Dual Enrollment Handbook 2023-2024
Dual Enrollment for New Students - Spring 2024